Public Private Partnerships

Public Private Partnerships are not new to the twenty-first century. They date to at least World War I when up and coming business executives volunteered to administer the procurement of war supplies on behalf of the U.S. Government and got paid a dollar year. They were known as dollar-a-year men and it was considered honor to volunteer in that respect, to share their business organizational skills on behalf of country. Their service was through the War Industries Board, created by President Wilson to coordinate and secure scarce war materials to support an army at war in the European theater.

The Role of Public Private Partnership in Mass Prophylaxis Campaigns

IAEM Bulletin, August 2012

The hallmark of the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic was the dependence on the private sector to assist public health with both the logistics of vaccine distribution and access to priority groups for its vaccination campaign. The irony was that federal planning guidance, during the formative years of public health preparedness, directed state and local departments of health (DOH) to focus on public health operated mass vaccination clinics and assume responsibility for vaccine distribution.

Operation First Response

This After Action Report (AAR) resulted from six months of planning in an effort bring several jurisdictions and both traditional and health and medical responders together in a tabletop discussion exercise. Over thirty agencies represented thirty agencies from state to local and included both representatives from the National Transportation Safety Board and the U.S. Disaster Mortuary Operations Response Team.