410 32nd Avenue North, Myrtle Beach, SC
Curriculum Vita Overview
Trained in association management, homeland security, emergency management and public health, Tom Russo is an emergency management planner, instructor and technical writer. He has worked closely with first responders and area hospitals to coordinate response and recovery for local, state and federal health and medical assets. He has nearly 30 years of strategic planning, project management and professional development experience eighteen of which have been with public health. Russo holds the Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) credential from the International Association of Emergency Managers and graduated from the Naval Postgraduate School's Center for Homeland Defense and Security with a Master's degree in Homeland Security Studies.
Master of Arts in Security Studies (M.A.), Naval Postgraduate School, Center for Homeland Defense & Security, September, 2010.
Master of Science in Education (M.S. Ed.), Southern Illinois University, Graduate School, August 1979.
B.A./B.S. Southern Illinois University, May 1977.
Current Advisory Board/CommitteesColumbia College, Emergency Management Program Advisory Board Horry County, Access & Functional Needs Committee Work Experience HighlightsDirector, Emergency Preparedness, South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control Region 6, 2002-2013.
Principal, Russo & Associates, 1998-02. Consult with small to mid-size profit and non-profits on special projects, including information technology systems, technical writing and capital campaigns.
General Manager & EVP, Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce 1987-98.
Director of Health Education, South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control Region 6, 1980-87. Direct health promotion efforts in multi-county district. Consulted with business, industry, schools, state agencies, and municipalities developing employee health programs.
Graduate Assistant, Community Health Program Development, School of Medicine, Southern Illinois University, 1977-79. Worked through college completing Master's degree. Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 1979. Graduate Assistantship: assisted in development of major research proposal to National Institutes of Health for $900,000 LIFE Hypertension program. Conducted studies for health systems agency, drafted Certificate of Need for hospitals. Completed a major research study of 220 communities in 30 counties using demographic and medical characteristics. Results published in Master’s thesis (1975-79).
AWR 147: Rail Car Incident Response,
Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium, FEMA, Department of Homeland
Security, Myrtle Beach, March 2010.
EOC Management and Operations Course
(G775), South Carolina Emergency Management Division, Effingham, SC January
14-15, 2009.
HSEEP (Homeland Security Exercise & Evaluation
Program) Orientation Course, SC Emergency Management Division, South
Carolina Hospital Association, Columbia, SC March 2008.
E960: Recovery & Mitigation: Integrated Emergency
Management Course for Horry County, SC. Emergency Management Institute,
FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, Emmitsburg, MD Jan 28 – Feb 1, 2008. Mobile Preparedness Course, Division of Strategic
National Stockpile, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Charleston, SC
January 25 & 26, 2007. Mass Fatalities Incident Response Course (G386),
South Carolina Emergency Management Division, Columbia, SC, June 29 & 30, 2006.
WMD Responder Operations Radiological/Nuclear Course,
Bechtel Nevada Counter Terrorism Ops Support, Florence, SC May 4, 2006 WMD Radiological/Nuclear Awareness/Train-the-Trainer
Course, Bechtel Nevada Counter Terrorism Ops Support,
Florence, SC
May 1, 2006 NIMS I-300/400, UNITECH, Myrtle Beach Fire Station
#6, Myrtle Beach, April 12-14, 2006. Chemistry of Hazardous Materials. County of
Charleston Hazardous Materials Division, DHEC EQC, Myrtle Beach, August 22,
2005. Incident Management/Unified Command for Terrorism/CBRNE
Incidents (MGT 313). The Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) in
cooperation with the National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center (NERRTC),
Conway, SC April 11-13, 2005. E905: Preparedness and Response: Integrated Emergency
Management Course for Horry County, SC. Emergency Management Institute,
FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, Emmitsburg, MD March 28 – April 1, 2005.
WMD Incident Management / Unified Command Concepts
(WMD-006), the National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center (NERRTC)
online course at
March 27, 2005 National Incident Management System (NIMS IS-700): An
Introduction, FEMA, SC Hurricane/Emergency Management Conference, Hilton
Head Island, SC, March 16, 2005 Prevention & Response to
Suicide Bombing Incidents: Awareness Level, New Mexico Institute of Mining &
Technology, SC Hurricane/Emergency Management Conference, Hilton Head Island, SC
March 15, 2005 Emergency Response to Domestic Biological Incidents:
Operations Level. National Center for Biomedical Research & Training
Academy, Louisiana State University in cooperation with the US Department of
Homeland Security, Conway, SC October, 2004. Threat & Risk Assessment Course. The National
Emergency Response & Rescue Training Center, Office of Domestic Preparedness, US
Department of Homeland Security, Myrtle Beach, SC August 10-12, 2004.
WMD Hands-On-Training Course. Center for Domestic
Preparedness, US Department of Homeland Security, Anniston, AL January 8-9,
2004 WMD Incident Command Course. Center for Domestic
Preparedness, US Department of Homeland Security, Anniston, AL January 4-7, 2004 Weapons of Mass Destruction Executive level Training
Program. National Sheriff’s Association, Conway, SC April 28-29, 2003 The Public Health Agency Role in Incident Command
Systems. Sponsored by CDC and FEMA, conducted by the National Association of
County & City Health Officials, Texas, February 2003. Clinical Management of Adverse Events Following Smallpox
Vaccination. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Conway, SC
Smallpox Preparedness: Considerations for Response Team
Volunteers. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Conway, SC
December 20, 2002. CDC Bioterrorism Update: Smallpox Preparedness – Part 2.
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Conway, SC December 6, 2002. CDC Bioterrorism Update: Smallpox Preparedness – Part 1.
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Conway, SC December 5, 2002. Participate in a variety of local, regional and state exercises in roles to include exercise development, planning, evaluator, observer and player. Exercise scenarios target WMD emergencies (explosive, chemical and biological) and pandemic preparedness for tabletop, functional and full-scale exercises.
Evaluator, Planning Committee, Evaluator, Evaluator, Planning Committee, Facilitator, Planning Committee, (return to overview)TEACHING & TRAININGTrainer, SC DHEC Region 6, 2002-2013.
Trainer, National Corvette Restorers Society, 2006-Present.
CPR Instructor, South Carolina Heart Association, 1981-88.
Trainer, JOTS (Jaycee Officer Training School), United State Jaycees 1985-87.
Adjunct Faculty, Coastal Carolina College, College of Education, Department of Physical Education 1982-83.
Graduate Assistant, Southern Illinois University, College of Education, Department of Health Education, 1977-79
PUBLICATIONSAcademic & Professional Journals:Russo, Tom, "Transportation Requirements for Special Needs Populations," Domestic Preparedness Journal, Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2013 Russo, Tom, "Healthcare Sector Interoperability," Domestic Preparedness Journal, Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2012 Russo, Tom, "Mass-Fatality Surge & Family Assistance," Domestic Preparedness Journal, Volume 8 Issue 5, May 2012 Russo, Tom, "Pandemic Vaccine Distribution Policy for the Twenty-First Century," Homeland Security Affairs, The Journal of the Naval Postgraduate School's Center for Homeland Defense and Security, Volume VIII, February 2012 Russo, Tom, "All-Hazards COOP for Medical Facilities,” Jr of South Carolina Medical Association, Volume 107, June 2011. Russo, Tom, "Leveraging COOP for Biological Incidents: Natural, Accidental, or Bioterrorism,” Jr of South Carolina Medical Association, Volume 105, June 2009. Russo, Tom, "Marketing the Myrtle Beach Area: Methodology and Preliminary Results,” Coastal Business Review, Coastal Carolina University, 1996 Russo, Tom, "Who’s Coming to Town?” Coastal Business Review, Coastal Carolina University, 1994 Bates, I.J., Lacey, E.P., & Russo, T.P. Physician shortages in Southern Illinois: An analysis of primary care service areas. Office of Community Health Program Development, School of Medicine, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill, October 1979. Magazines/Newsletters:Russo, Tom "The 1978-79 Muncie Four-Speed: What Makes Your M20 Work?" The Corvette Restorer, Publication Pending Russo, Tom, "The Role of Public Private Partnership in Mass Prophylaxis Campaigns", IAEM Bulletin, August 2012 Russo, Tom " Buildsheets and the Late Model C3: Authenticating Corvette Options, The Corvette Restorer, Fall 2012 Russo, Tom " Rebirth of a Classic: The Good Year P255/60R15., Corvette Enthusiast, September 2010 Russo, Tom " Your Tach Says a Lot. Make sure its right., Corvette Enthusiast, March 2010 Russo, Tom " Pace Car Decals: Production & Assembly, NCRS Corvette Restorer, Fall 2009 Russo, Tom " Tired of Key Twisting: Power Up Those 30-Year Old Door Locks, Corvette Enthusiast, April 2009 Russo, Tom " The Four-Speeds of 1978, The Corvette Restorer, Winter 2009 Russo, Tom " The Indy Corvette's 30th Anniversary: But what's happened to Pace Car values? Corvette Enthusiast, Jun 2008Russo, Tom & Stradlater, George "Leading the Pack: 30th Anniversary Pace Car, Corvette Magazine April 2008 Russo, Tom "Where the Rubber Meets the Road: 1978-82 Corvette Tire Production, The Corvette Restorer, Winter 2008 Russo, Tom "Corvette Tire Safety, Corvette Enthusiast, November 2007 Russo, Tom "The Yellow Spare Tire Rim of 1978, The Corvette Restorer, Winter 2007 Russo, Tom "Restore Your C3 Fuel Tank Sending Unit, Corvette Enthusiast, October 2006 Russo, Tom "Buildsheets and the Late Model C3, The Corvette Restorer, Winter 2006
Russo, Tom, "Pandemic
Planning: What should EMS agencies do to ready for bird flu,"
EMS Responder, October 2006
Russo, Tom, "
Russo, Tom, "
Russo, Tom " Russo, Tom “Locked out and can’t get in? How to bypass a seized C3 lock mechanism.” The Corvette Restorer, Volume 27, Spring 2001 Russo, Tom “1976-79 Jack Date Codes”, The Corvette Restorer, 1997. Russo, Tom "Tie One On," Hobie Hotline, July/August 1991
Co-Author, "Retirement on Grand Strand," Myrtle
Beach Magazine, Nov 1986.
Russo, Tom, Corvette Buildsheet Book: A Study Guide to 1973-82 Build
Records, Russo & Associates, April, 2013
Russo, Tom,
The Complete Corvette
Technical Reference & Study Guide: Volume 3 1968 through 1982.
Automobile Quarterly, Publication Pending.
Russo, Tom "
Russo, Tom,
Ready Your Medical Facility for Disaster Response: Developing a
Continuity of Operations Plan.
Medical Management Web Advisor, December 2012,
The 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic, CEM Basic Overview, South Carolina Emergency Management Division Offsite Conference, Myrtle Beach, 2011 What does Public Safety Need to Know: The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic, South Carolina Emergency Management Association (SCEMA) Annual Conference, Litchfield Beach, SC March 22, 2010 Pan Flu Continuity of Operations for Public Health, South Carolina Public Health Association, Annual Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC, May 22, 2007 The Impact of a Flu Pandemic on Tourism, Business & Employees, Myrtle Beach Hospitality Association, Myrtle Beach, SC, May 2, 2007 The Impact of a Flu Pandemic on Your System & Employees, The South Carolina Rural Water Association, Myrtle Beach, SC, February 23, 2007 Preparing your EOC for Pan Flu Emergency Operations, Contingency Planning & Management: A Leader in Global Business Continuity, CPM 2006 East Annual Conference, Orlando, FL October 30, 2006. Pandemic Awareness & COOP for Emergency Response Organizations, Grand Strand Conference Center, Horry Georgetown Technical College, Myrtle Beach, October 2006. Matrix Training: Corvette Judging Basics, NCRS National Convention, San Antonio, Texas, July 2006 Matrix Training: Corvette Judging Basics, National Corvette Restorers Society Judges Training Retreat, Austin Texas, January 2006 Is South Carolina Ready for a Mass Evacuation of Coastal Hospitals and other Healthcare Facilities? The South Carolina Hospital Association, Columbia, SC March 30, 2006 Mass Casualty Care: The Role of Community Health Centers in Disaster Preparedness,
The South Carolina Primary Care Association Annual Meeting, Myrtle Beach, May
20, 2004.
Professional:Committee Member -- Regional Counter Terrorism Coordinating Council 2004-08. Committee Member, Local Emergency Planning Committee, Horry County, 2003-Present.
Board Member,
Institute, College of Charleston, National Chamber Foundation, US Chamber of Commerce, 1994-99.
Served on Board of Regents.
Team Member, “1973-1974 Corvette Technical Information Manual & Judging Guide,” National Corvette Restorers Society, First Edition 1999. Team Member, “1978-1979 Corvette Technical Information Manual & Judging Guide,” National Corvette Restorers Society, Second Edition, spring 1997. Team Member, "1978-1979 Corvette Technical Information Manual & Judging Guide," National Corvette Restorers Society, First Edition, fall 1995.
Web Master --
NCRS Southeast Chapter Website Development, 2004.
Member, Board of Directors,
Friends of Chapin Memorial Library, 2011-present
Committee Member, United Way Allocations Committee, 1989-Present Chairman, South Carolina Jaycee Foundation, Inc. (1985-87) Board Member, The United State Jaycees National Board of Directors, 1984-85 President, South Carolina Jaycees, 1984-85 CPR Instructor, Grand Strand Chapter of the American Heart Association, 1981-89 President, Conway Jaycees, 1981-82 HONORS, AWARDS, and CERTIFICATIONSPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS
Mr. Tom Russo Office Phone: 843 626-3182 Email: russotpcem@gmail.com This page updated on June 2013